Basic Information
Name: Jordan Roper
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: English
Occupation: Currently at college
Raid Related Information: Currently on 6/8 HC DS experience, didn't really raid much before DS.
Available raid times, how do you feel about extending raids? : I can raid whenever the guild needs me.
Character name: Hyperión
Class/Spec: 399 Arms Warrior with a 393 Prot OS
Played time (main char): 33 days
Armory Link (make sure you are in PvE gear) :
Character History: Started to level this character during the start of Cataclysm and it has been my main ever since.
Previous Guilds - Why did you leave? go into details!: Bad Intentions - I left this guild because we didn't raid that much.
Previous Raiding Experience (Write down all your previous experience not just the latest content)?: I have done most of the Vanilla, TBC, and Wotlk raids and have done all of the Cataclysm raids. I didn't start HC progression until Dragon Soul.
When did you start playing your character?: At the start of Catacylsm.
Please write a detailed list of your current alts and their armory links: All my 85 alts are on different realms, but I am currently leveling a Shaman, Its level 60 atm and should be ready to raid before MoP.
Do you have Ventrilo and a microphone? Yeah
Internet Connection (this is not a yes/no question..) ? There is no problem with my internet connection.
Hardware? Feel free to add specs:
Ul-screenshot, ( (link):
How do you prepare for raids?: I get more than enough flasks, food and potions than I need just incase other raid members would need to use some.
Do you know anyone in the guild? Nope
Do you use keybindings (list them if you do)?: Nope
Please explaine your playstyle(Rotation / Prio list): I open the fight by using my trinket along with Deadly Calm, and then I use Recklessness when it comes of CD, I start the fight with Colossus Smash and then use rend, I use Overpower and Colossus Smash whenever they proc and use Slam and Mortal Stike when they are of CD, I use Heroic Strike when I have rage to burn, when the boss is below 20% I use Execute until I get 5 stacks and then continue with my normal rotation. When I am AoEing I start by using Sweeping Strike and Bladestorm, I then use Whirlwind and Cleave when they are of CD.
How do you keep updated on your class changes and theorycrafting?: I look on Eliteistjerks to make sure that my character is the best it can be with the gear that I have.
What do you think is important for maintaining a good guild and how do you approach this?: I think that teamwork, respect and great comunication is great for maintaining a good guild as all the raiders will get along with each other and make raiding more fun and enjoyable.
Why do you want to join Anguish?: I would like to join Anguish to reach end game content with a good guild and progress when them in many expansions to come.
Anything else you want to share with us? If you felt we missed something in the template, tell us here!: Nope, that is all thanks