Basic InformationName: Emil
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: Danish/finnish
Occupation: student
Raid Related InformationAvailable raid times, how do you feel about extending raids? :I’m available the following raid days:Tursday 19:00-23:00
Wednesday 18:00-12:00 On patch days I’m ready to go all night.
Thursday 19:00-23:00
Sunday 18:30-23:00
On important patch days and if we are close to a kill, I’m ready to stay longer than these times.
Character InformationCharacter name: SnôrzClass/Spec: Warrior / Arms (31/7/3)
Played time (main char): 80 days
Armory Link (make sure you are in PvE gear) : History
Previous Guilds - Why did you leave? go into details!:Striped Socks on Daggerspine. I were there for 1½ years in the late part of WOTLK. after 10 LK25HC kills they called it a day and decided to take a 5 month break when cata hitted.
Dissension on Hellfire. The guild disbanded after 4.2 and that was when i decided to take a break for exams.
Previous Raiding Experience (Write down all your previous experience not just the latest content)?Since I’ve played and raided in this game in a lot of years, I will only post the progress and the kills that mean most to me.
Realm first Lich king heroic 10m
Realm first Lich King heroic 25m
Realm first Halion heroic 10 m
Realm first Halion heroic 25 m
Realm first Ragnaros heroic 25 m
Realm first Algalon 10 man ‘’Herald of the titans’’
When did you start playing your character?: Started playing back in the start of WOTLK on my warrior.
Technical InformationDo you have Ventrilo and a microphone?Yes and Razer Charcarias
Internet Connection (this is not a yes/no question..) ?
50 m/bit
Hardware? Feel free to add specs:Running with 250 fps in arena and 100+ in 25man raids.
Ul-screenshot, ( (link): do you prepare for raids?:I read up on tactics, buy flasks, check my gear and caps, and I buy enough pots for pre potting.
Do you know anyone in the guild?Nopes.
Do you use keybindings (list them if you do)?:Everything is keybinded, since its not very easy to play when you have to click everything.
Please explaine your playstyle(Rotation / Prio list):The warrior rotation is easy and nice to play with.
1. Apply rend. Mortal Strike refreshes rend each time you use it so you don’t have it use it a lot.
2. Colossus Smash is used on every CD. It procs with sudden death so it can be used often.
3. Mortal strike used on every CD, since it refreses rend.
4. Overpower is only used when taste for blood procs.
5. Heroic strike is used when you have excess rage. I.e more than 65-70 rage.
6. At 20% you replace execute with slam, since you get a buff called ‘’executioner’’ which gives 5% haste per stack and it stacks 5 times.
How do you keep updated on your class changes and theorycrafting?:MMO-Champion and elitist Jerks. I also watch streams of players on
What do you think is important for maintaining a good guild and how do you approach this?:Communication between guild members, dedication to the game and focus. I’m very open minded and I can take criticism.
Why do you want to join Anguish?:I’ve been looking for a guild for some time now and I’ve finally decided to apply to one. Its hard to find a guild that fits my needs and I look a long time to find such a guild.
Anything else you want to share with us? If you felt we missed something in the template, tell us here!:Not as of right now J
Snorz out!