Basic Information
Name: My name is Alexander Nøhr Christensen
Age: I'm 15 years old
Sex: boy
Nationality: From Denmark
Occupation: School
Raid Related Information
Available raid times, how do you feel about extending raids? : Not too well as I got school so latest is absolute at 23:00 maybe 5 mins more but nothing after that.
Character name: Cantaq
Class/Spec: Restoration Druid
Played time (main char): 86days and 12 hours
Armory Link (make sure you are in PvE gear) : History
Previous Guilds - Why did you leave? go into details!: I started out being in the guild "Game On." I left due to slow progress, and slacking on upmeeting for raids. So I moved on to the guild easY and were there for about 3 weeks and the raidcore collapsed because a Hpally decided to take 2 of his friend to another realm, and then the officers and leader got a spot in madhouse the same day.
Previous Raiding Experience (Write down all your previous experience not just the latest content)?Nothing at Vanilla. In TBC I've done a few bosses in Karazhan on my warrior as a tank and nothing more. Wotlk, I did biggest part of Naxx 10/25 on my druid and DK also did Ulduar on my DK wich doesn't exsist so I can't rly prove it.
When did you start playing your character?: TBC
Please write a detailed list of your current alts and their armory links: This is my warrior Alexra, I just started to gear her up. But she's nice got a few stuff from raidfinder but else it's just 378 from HoT. I started to play at her in TBC where I used PvP nothing serious, since I was very young. my shaman Zlara, I leveled with my lil' bro, and wanted to PvP, but PvP haven't really catched me yet so she ain't much.
Do you have Ventrilo and a microphone? Yes
Internet Connection (this is not a yes/no question..) ? I ogt a stable connection no DCs at all if so, I'm always knowing why and it'll be fixed unless it's a problem from where we got it. I have 30/30 mbit.
Hardware? Feel free to add specs: I got a good and stable computer with 1 terabyte space, and I got the graphic card Frozentwins GTX 560 TI. Processor is AMD Phenom II 1075T
Ul-screenshot, ( (link):
How do you prepare for raids?:I make my own flasks, and brings up cauldron if my guild needs it. This I got rdy 1 day before each raid, and same with foodbuff
Do you know anyone in the guild? No ;(. But I hope I'll get to know all the nice people in it
Do you use keybindings (list them if you do)?: I use s-1(Wild Growth) s-2(Nature's Swiftness) s-3(Swiftmend) s-4(Barkskin) s-q(Nourish)
Please explaine your playstyle(Rotation / Prio list): I don't got any prio rotation as I'm changing my healing style a lot due to improvement and new tactics for bosses.
But I got a few prio's go keep up ALL the time if possible: Lifebloom 90%+ uptime. Harmony 90%+uptime. This is the things I'm trying to improve as my LB is only around 70% uptime atm, and harmony is at 87%
How do you keep updated on your class changes and theorycrafting?:Friends ingame and Patch notes.
What do you think is important for maintaining a good guild and how do you approach this?: First of all to get people in it. Nice people ofc, then later on you can start out do events and so to make people wanna stay and join the guild. Also would be awesome with a PvP team/Raiding team. I can't say anything about how to achieve it, since I've never really wanted to lead a guild.
Why do you want to join Ascension?:I've heard from a few of my friends it should be a good and stable guild with good leadership and with a lot of nice people in it
Anything else you want to share with us? If you felt we missed something in the template, tell us here!:I may be young but I'm mature of my age, I've been hardcore raiding since start of cataclysm, I'm not a whiner or greedy for loots!